DIY Wooden Mountains

The mountains have become so special to us recently. We both have always loved them but just not to the extent that we have recently found.

Since we bought our land in the North Georgia mountains and we have nothing but beautiful mountain range views from what will be our future homestead, it has become one of our favorite and important places. It is where our future forever home will be, where our dreams continue to grow, and where we can separate from the chaos and have our own heaven on earth.

Also this year the mountains are where we plan on eloping. Not the North Georgia mountains but something much more epic. I don’t want to give that away so more on that later.

After Brian had finished working on some projects we had all this little scrap wood laying around to throw out or burn. I happened to pick some of it up and to toss and then saw the vision! What if I turned these into a small mountain range! They could be a great addition to a decor setting and cute even at Christmas.

So I pulled all the scraps out and went to work. Below is the list of items needed and a few things I used in this project.

Supply List

  • Scrap Wooden blocks in various sizes and angles
  • White paint or white chalk paint
  • Your favorite stain colors
  • Sandpaper or sander
  • Painters tape (optional)

I began by cleaning some of the lines and cuts. Well, Brian did because I did not feel too comfortable with the electric saw with such a small piece of wood. I then started sanding down the rough edges to give it a little rounded edge.

As you can see some of the mountainsides are not the same angle as others and that’s ok because real mountains are not perfect either. I also chose to stain them some of my favorite stain colors and make them look different based on the visual depth the mountain was to look but also to break it up.

I stained them all and then waited for the stain to dry. In the meantime, I started making chalk paint. I did not have any handy so I quickly found a couple of DIY recipes.

To make the chalk paint you will need

  • 1/2 cup of Baking Soda
  • 1 cup of white latex paint

Make sure to mix it well then add a few tbs of cold water. Begin mixing again. You will want all the baking soda to dissolve so I would mix for at least 6-7 minutes. You don’t want it to be grainy. I also suggest mixing this in an old Tupperware container or leftover to-go soup bowl with lid from the Chinese restaurant that you get when you get take out won-ton or egg drop soup. This way when you’re done you can save the leftover paint and easily use it again on other small projects.

Next, you can freehand paint the snow caps on or use painter tape for more straight lines. I started with the painter’s tape and then decided I liked the freehand better. It just added more character to me.

That’s it! It’s not rocket science but it is an easy project and barely cost anything. This can even be an easy project that the kids can participate in.

Enjoy and have fun!